services to chapters

Advice and assistance to chapters, including legal analysis, in areas of academic freedom and governance is available to all members and elected leaders. The Collective Bargaining Summer Institute and the Leadership Training Institute offer workshops in negotiations, contract and grievance administration, chapter management and communications and media relations. Our AAUP consultants provide analyses of college budgets and assistance in obtaining financial information, such as IRS 990 forms. Fringe benefits data are available in order to assist chapters and state conferences towards developing and obtaining comparable benefits.

Legal Program - AAUP's legal office responds to a variety of inquiries on higher education law. Staff lawyers are experts in areas such as academic freedom, discrimination, and faculty contracts. AAUP submits friend-of-the-court briefs in key appellate cases, working to shape the law in ways supportive of Association principles and the academic profession. AAUP's amicus briefs before the Supreme Court and appellate courts on issues of academic freedom safeguard academic practices.