Local Chapter of AAUP @ Iowa State University

“Academic Freedom for a Free Society”

From the President

Welcome to the website of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Chapter at Iowa State University! Our local chapter has been active recently in addressing how budget cuts and policy planning affect faculty members, the rights of faculty as members of the professoriate, and, as always, academic freedom and due process. Of particular concern to the local Chapter has been the need to maintain and strengthen shared governance between faculty and various levels of the academic administration. This goal of the ISU Chapter of AAUP is achieved by working in close collaboration with the leadership of the Faculty Senate, as well as with academic administrators to ensure that the faculty voice is heard and listened to.

-Dr. Cullen Padgett-Walsh, Teaching Professor and President of the ISU Chapter

Get Connected with AAUP @ ISU

  • AAUP @ ISU advocates for faculty rights and can offer support for faculty with grievances and appeals related to issues of academic freedom, due process, and shared governance. The chapter also hosts meetings, happy hours, and various events to connect faculty and discuss relevant issues.

  • Active AAUP membership is open to teaching faculty, researchers, or those holding similar academic appointments at accredited colleges and universities. Graduate students, administrators, and members of the public are also eligible to join the Association.

  • Send the chapter an email using the link to the left to join AAUP @ ISU. Members are expected to also join the national AAUP, which has dues on a sliding scale based on academic income. Local chapter dues are due September 1 each year and are $10.

  • Joining the national AAUP and AAUP @ ISU provides a number of benefits.

    AAUP @ ISU includes:

    -A voice in the processes by which Iowa State University is administering its policies upon faculty members, including the tenured, tenure-track, term, and part-time members

    -Information about events and activities

    -Right to shape and vote on local chapter issues

    The national AAUP includes:

    -Specialized resources for faculty including guides to academic best practices, training events, and news in higher ed

    -A subscription to Academe, the journal of the AAUP

    -Participation in benefits programs such as professional liability insurance, catastrophic medical expense plan, accident insurance, disability insurance, group term life insurance, hospital indemnity insurance, and gold MasterCard

  • We encourage faculty to join the local chapter and national AAUP organization. Many use their professional development funds to pay their dues. However, all faculty, regardless of membership, are welcome to get involved in chapter activities, including coming to meetings or contacting the chapter to discuss relevant issues.

Upcoming Events

Key Chapter Issues